Jupiter, king of the gods, was loving beautiful Io, but he feared the  tłumaczenie - Jupiter, king of the gods, was loving beautiful Io, but he feared the  polski jak to powiedzieć

Jupiter, king of the gods, was lovi

Jupiter, king of the gods, was loving beautiful Io, but he feared the anger of Juno. Therefore, he changed the form of Io: Jupiter thought, "Juno will not see a woman, but a cow." Juno was not stupid: "Do you have a gift, my husband? Will you give the beautiful cow to Juno? Give, if you love me!" Jupiter therefore gave the cow to Juno. A great guard remained with the cow, Argus. Argus had one hundred eyes. Mercury conquered Argus, but Io was not yet free: a bad gad-fly remained with the cow. Io wandered through the lands; she kept on seeing many people, but she did not have her own true form. Miserable woman! Will you always have the form of a cow? Is your punishment not enough?

The anger of Juno was not ever-lasting: Jpiter gave Juno a human form; then Io gave birth to a son. You will see the hundred eyes of Argus on the tale of a peacock.
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Wyniki (polski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Jowisz, król bogów, był kochający piękne Io, ale obawiał się gniew Juno. W związku z tym, że zmienił formę Io: Jupiter myśli, "Juno nie będzie widać kobiety, ale krowa." Juno nie był głupi: "czy masz prezent, mój mąż? Daje piękne krowy do Juno? Dać, jeśli mnie kochasz!" Jupiter wydał krowy do Juno. Strażnik wielki pozostał z krowa, Argus. Argus miał sto oczy. Mercury podbił Argus, ale Io nie był jeszcze wolna: złe gada mucha pozostał z krowy. IO wędrował przez ziemie; ona na przechowywane widząc wielu ludzi, ale nie miała własnego prawdziwej postaci. Kobieta nieszczęśliwy! Czy masz zawsze formą krowa? Jest kara nie wystarczy?

Gniew Juno nie był wciąż trwały: Jpiter dał Juno ludzkiej postaci; następnie Io urodziła syna. Widać kilkaset oczy Argus na opowieść o Paw.
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Wyniki (polski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Jupiter, king of the gods, was loving beautiful Io, but he feared the anger of Juno. Therefore, he changed the form of Io: Jupiter thought, "Juno will not see a woman, but a cow." Juno was not stupid: "Do you have a gift, my husband? Will you give the beautiful cow to Juno? Give, if you love me!" Jupiter therefore gave the cow to Juno. A great guard remained with the cow, Argus. Argus had one hundred eyes. Mercury conquered Argus, but Io was not yet free: a bad gad-fly remained with the cow. Io wandered through the lands; she kept on seeing many people, but she did not have her own true form. Miserable woman! Will you always have the form of a cow? Is your punishment not enough?

The anger of Juno was not ever-lasting: Jpiter gave Juno a human form; then Io gave birth to a son. You will see the hundred eyes of Argus on the tale of a peacock.
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