Jupiter, king of the gods, was loving beautiful Io, but he feared the anger of Juno. Therefore, he changed the form of Io: Jupiter thought, "Juno will not see a woman, but a cow." Juno was not stupid: "Do you have a gift, my husband? Will you give the beautiful cow to Juno? Give, if you love me!" Jupiter therefore gave the cow to Juno. A great guard remained with the cow, Argus. Argus had one hundred eyes. Mercury conquered Argus, but Io was not yet free: a bad gad-fly remained with the cow. Io wandered through the lands; she kept on seeing many people, but she did not have her own true form. Miserable woman! Will you always have the form of a cow? Is your punishment not enough?
The anger of Juno was not ever-lasting: Jpiter gave Juno a human form; then Io gave birth to a son. You will see the hundred eyes of Argus on the tale of a peacock.
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