Wyniki (
angielski) 2:
Hail, O ye gods and goddesses! Our friend Peleus has a great idea; Nympham Thetida in marriage. Ye, then, from me, Jupiter, and called to Thessalia by. For rockin 'games and sweet eats. But hold off on these dangers and warning to be given:
I. Seeing as how Peleus there is no God, his spirit will be frightened, even if we appear to be amazingly powerful; 2. If you dare to come without a gift, be punished by me.
Read the kinds of the gifts given to them, they shall be praised by all those who shall see. You alone, O goddess Discordia, are not called, since you just bitter leaves. If you show up, every god in Olmpia will be. Discord between friends should not be put up. Penalties are to be given by him to God, who ignores his duties. Valet
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