te meble maja jechac do Turcji one sa w calosci jak pan to chce zoarganizowac spedycyjnie to przecież duży koszt takiego transportu tego niemogę zrozumiec jak one mają być zabespieczone pozdrawiam Darek
These furniture may go to Turkey they are in full as you want to zoarganizowac spedycyjnie that's a big cost of transport not allowed to understand how they are to be zabespieczone best regards Darek
These furniture should head to Turkey they are entirely as you want zoarganizowac spedycyjnie it is still a big cost of such transport this May not understand how they are to be zabespieczone greet Darek
the furniture may go to turkey, they are together as you want zoarganizowac spedycyjnie is a cost that can't understand how they transport it to be zabespieczone greetings darek