Wild food what do you do when you are hungry ? Go to the kitchen cupbo tłumaczenie - Wild food what do you do when you are hungry ? Go to the kitchen cupbo polski jak to powiedzieć

Wild food what do you do when you a

Wild food
what do you do when you are hungry ? Go to the kitchen cupboard ? Buy a burger ? Or do you do what fergus Drennan does - look for food in the fields ?
1 fergus doesn't like buying his food in supermarkets or shops. He finds his food in the countryside or next to roads. all hid food is local - and it's free. A lot of the food in supermarkets travels thousands of miles to get there, from Africa,South America or china. free food is all around us - but a lot of people don't know it is tere.
2fergus Drennan is a writer, teacher and TV presenter. He lives and works inthe countryside in the south - east of England. A lot of people attend his courses. he teaches them know to fine wild food like mushrooms and nuts, and then makes delicious dishes like soups and salads.
3 Fergus usually eats vegetables but he also eats meat. He doesn't buy his meat - he finds it on roads. Every year, cars kill millions how to make wonderful meals with them.
4 Fergus's recipes are on his website. They are very unusual - and they are also healthy, fresh andfree why not try them ?
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Wyniki (polski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Wild food what do you do when you are hungry ? Go to the kitchen cupboard ? Buy a burger ? Or do you do what fergus Drennan does - look for food in the fields ?1 fergus doesn't like buying his food in supermarkets or shops. He finds his food in the countryside or next to roads. all hid food is local - and it's free. A lot of the food in supermarkets travels thousands of miles to get there, from Africa,South America or china. free food is all around us - but a lot of people don't know it is tere.2fergus Drennan is a writer, teacher and TV presenter. He lives and works inthe countryside in the south - east of England. A lot of people attend his courses. he teaches them know to fine wild food like mushrooms and nuts, and then makes delicious dishes like soups and salads.3 Fergus usually eats vegetables but he also eats meat. He doesn't buy his meat - he finds it on roads. Every year, cars kill millions how to make wonderful meals with them.4 Fergus's recipes are on his website. They are very unusual - and they are also healthy, fresh andfree why not try them ?
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Wyniki (polski) 2:[Kopiuj]
Dzikiej żywności
, co robisz, gdy jesteś głodny? Idź do szafki w kuchni? Kupić hamburgera? Czy robisz to, co Fergus Drennan ma - poszukują pożywienia na polach
1 Fergus nie lubi kupowanie jego jedzenie w supermarketach czy sklepach. Odnajduje jego jedzenie na wsi lub przy drogach. wszystkie ukrył jedzenie jest lokalne - i to za darmo. Wiele żywności w supermarketach podróżuje tysiące mil, aby dostać się tam, z Afryki, Ameryki Południowej i Chinach. darmowe jedzenie jest wszędzie wokół nas - ale wiele osób nie wie, że jest tere.
2fergus Drennan jest pisarzem, nauczycielem i prezenter telewizyjny. Mieszka i pracuje inthe wsi w południowo - wschodniej Anglii. Wiele osób uczestniczyć swoje kursy. uczy im, aby dokładnie dzikiej żywności jak grzyby i orzechy, a następnie robi pyszne dania, takie jak zupy i sałatki.
3 Fergus zwykle zjada warzywa, ale również zjada mięso. Nie kupi jego mięsa - odnajduje go na drogach. Każdego roku, samochody zabijają miliony, jak zrobić wspaniałe posiłki z nimi.
4 recepty Fergus są na jego stronie internetowej. Są to bardzo niezwykłe - i są one również zdrowe, świeże andfree dlaczego nie spróbować je?
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